United Methodist Church Eastern PA Conference – 6/12

June 12, 2019

On the eve of their Annual Session, Eastern PA Conference members and guests will view a compelling, award-winning film about the painful truths of human sex trafficking in their state. So far, over 100 conference registrants have indicated they would attend; but that number will likely grow before the Wednesday, June 12, free screening at 6:30 PM, in the main hall at the Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks.

“Human trafficking is our new slavery” warns the new documentary, From Liberty to Captivity. It shows how Pennsylvania, a birthplace of our nation’s freedom, has become a state where human sex trafficking and slavery are flourishing as a profitable industry. The two-hour documentary takes viewers county by county to reveal the trauma of sex trafficking and heroic efforts of those trying to solve the problem.

Director and producer, Debbie Wright, will be present to talk about the film, in which she reveals much about trafficking, a “heinous crime that is stealing human lives and lurking nearby in the darkest crevices of our society.”

Washington Crossing UMC premiered the film in our region at a screening for audiences in January. It is being shown at independent theaters, churches and other places of worship, universities and colleges, community events and other venues.


Producers want viewers to aid anti-trafficking efforts

The producers hope people who view the film will contact and support organizations that work to help victim survivors and eradicate human trafficking in their communities. Wright’s firm, Do What’s Wright Production Company, plans to release the film to theaters and online streaming services following this grassroots distribution campaign.

From Liberty to Captivity explores the tragic reality of sex trafficking here by telling powerful, personal stories of sex trafficking victims who were brutalized and yet survived to become living examples of the triumph of the human spirit. The film reveals the reality and complexities of sex trafficking crimes, while presenting social justice aspects and the real hope of conquering this scourge on society.  It also highlights abolitionists fighting to end this great crime against humanity.”

Themes of justice and hope are woven into the film, including the legacy of abolitionists who rescued and harbored black slaves in the 19th century. It shows that the fight for freedom from slavery persists today among those who are trying to end human trafficking.

The film has won numerous awards, including being named Best Documentary by the Top Indie Film Awards Film Festival. Visit the film’s website to learn more about it and about Wright and her team. And view the movie trailer.  Due to the sensitivity of the topic, no unaccompanied minors under the age of 18 will be allowed.