Kutztown University – 10/23

October 23,  2019

We are thrilled to announce a screening of From Liberty to Captivity on October 23, 2019 at 1:30 pm as part of the Kutztown University / Commission Status of Minorities Conference: 1619-2019: Slavery and its Impact: Reflections its Four Hundredth Anniversary.  The Conference is FREE and open to the public.

Conference Schedule

8:30a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Panel One: Slavery and Jim Crow: The America it created (MSU 183)

Abstract: Panelists will discuss how slavery developed in the colonial era in American history. Panelists will discuss how slavery impacted the legal, social, and political foundations of American history and culture.

  • Moderator, Dr. Maria Sanelli, History, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Student TBD
  • Panelist: Kwame Essien, Associate Professor, History, Interim Director of Africana Studies, Lehigh University
  • Panelist: Dr. Wilbert Jenkins, Professor, History, Temple University
  • Panelist: Dr. Andrew Arnold, History, Kutztown University

9:45 a.m. – 10:45 p.m. Panel Two: Slavery in America: Does it matter in 2019 (MSU 183)

Abstract: Panelists will discuss the significance of the 400th anniversary of the first 20 slaves that arrived in Point Comfort, present-day Fort Monroe, in Hampton, Virginia (Jamestown Settlement), on August 20, 1619 and how or whether the subsequent two hundred and forty six years of slavery in America has significance to the American society of 2019.

  • Moderator, Arthur H. Garrison, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Kurtis Haynesworth, Student, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Thomas Robinson, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Mauricia John, Associate Professor, Sociology, Kutztown University
  • Panelist, Rev. Dr. Alyn E. Waller, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, Author of The Code of the Righteous Warrior: 10 Laws of Moral Manhood for an Uncertain World

11:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m. Panel Three: Teaching the history of race and what students should be told (MSU 183)

Abstract: Panelists will discuss how issues of race, slavery, Jim Crow are taught in America and what issues are raised in teaching race in the modern American social and political landscape. Focus will be on what students should be told and why.

  • Moderator: Lindsey Livingston Runell, Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Ayana Allen-Handy, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Drexel University,
  • Panelist: Jayla Lewis, Student, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Dr. Amber Jean-Marie Pabon, Assistant Professor, Secondary Education, Kutztown University
  • Panelist: Katherine Norris, Professor, Early and Middle Grades Education, West Chester University
  • Panelist: Judith Giesberg, Professor, History, Villanova University

1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Panel Four: Human Trafficking: The New Slavery (MSU 183)

Abstract: Although slavery is universally condemned worldwide, slavery still is being practiced both in the United States and on all the continents of the world. One aspect of modern slavery is the trafficking of women for forced prostitution. To explore this modern mode of slavery and its connection to the history of slavery in America, the documentary From Liberty to Captivity will be shown. After which a moderated conversation will occur with the director Debbie Wright with Dr. James Jackson. Questions will be taken from the audience.

  • Moderator: Dr. James Jackson, Associate Professor, Psychology, Kutztown University
  • Debbie Wright: President, Do What’s Wright Production Company, LLC; Director & Producer, From Liberty to Captivity

Kutztown University
15200 Kutztown Rd.
Kutztown, PA 19530